Sambal Goreng Fish

Sambal Goreng Fish 

A hot Indonesian sambal goreng formula to attempt !.


 * 2 White onions
 * 2 Red onions
 * 2 Green spanish peppers
 * 2 Red spanish peppers
 * A piece ginger.
 * 2 Djeroek poeroet leaves;
 * 2 Salam leaves; (straight leaves)
 * 1 ts Laospowder; (Alpinia
 * 1 tb Soysauce
 * 1/2 c Water
 * Stock solid shapes to taste
 * 1 Red paprika
 * 2 Tomatoes
 * Some rhubarb when you like
 * Fish; ( herring )


 Broil the onions, peppers, ginger, the leaves + laos in oil. Add the soysauce. Pour the water with it, and add the stock solid shapes. Cut the paprika and the tomatoes, and cook it with this.When rhubarb is utilized, add this as well. At the point when it is done (following 10 minutes), put the fish in it, and let it cook with it, till the fish is prepared.. You can eat this with bubbled white rice. The sambal goreng formula of fish is prepared . Partake in the Sambal Goreng Fish plans !! !

Sambal Goreng Fish Video :

Sambal Fried Green Chilli (Goreng Sambal Lada)

Sambal Goreng Green Chilli (Goreng Sambal Lada) 

A hot sambal goreng formula to attempt !


 * Stephen Ceideburg
 * 1/4 lb Green chillies
 * 2 Onions, meagerly cut
 * 1/4 c Oil
 * Salt, to taste
 * 2 Green tomatoes, diced
 * 1 Tin anchovy filets in olive


 Pound stew into glue in a mortar or put in a blender with 2 tablespoons of water and switch on for 20 seconds on medium speed. Pan sear onions in hot oil until brilliant.
Add stew and salt, mix and lessen heat. Let stew for 2 minutes. Add diced tomatoes, cleaved anchovies, oil what not. Mix and let stew delicately for 15 minutes. Mix incidentally.
This long cooking eliminates the nibble of the bean stew and mixes every one of the flavors together. A similar formula can be arranged utilizing red bean stew rather than green stew and ready tomatoes rather than green ones. This sambal goreng formula of green bean stew will save for seven days whenever put in the cooler. Partake in the Sambal Fried Green Chili (Goreng Sambal Lada) plans !!!

Sambal Fried Green Chilli (Goreng Sambal Lada) Video :

Coconut Fish Roe Sambal

Coconut Fish Roe Sambal 

(Sambal Kelapa Dengan Telur Terubuk)...

A decent sambal goreng formula to attempt !

Sambal Goreng Recipe Ingredients

 * Stephen Ceideburg
 * 1 c Desiccated or newly ground
 * 1 oz Fish roe, slashed
 * 1/4 ts Turmeric
 * 2 ts Ground bean stew
 * 1 Lemon, squeeze in particular
 * 2 oz Hot water to dampen coconut
 * 1 Onion, ground
 * 1 One-inch piece ginger,
 * Salt, to taste

  Sambal Goreng Recipe INSTRUCTIONS

 Combine everything as one in a pan. Cook on low hotness for 20 minutes with the top on. Mix once in a while to keep it from consuming. The sambal goreng formula is prepared to serve...enjoy it !

Coconut Fish Roe Sambal Video :

Sambal Goreng Kentang Pedas Gurih

Sambal Goreng Kentang Pedas Gurih

Sambal Goreng Kentang Recipes
  • 500 gr kentang atlantis (kentang khusus untuk kentang goreng)
  • kapur sirih secukupnya
Bahan Bumbu
  • 4 sdm gula pasir
  • 4 lbr daun jeruk
  • 2 lbr daun salam
  • 1 sdt kaldu ayam bubuk (opsional)
  • 1 sdt asam jawa, larutkan dengan 1/3 gelas air
  • garam secukupnya
Bumbu Halus
  • 6 siung bawang merah
  • 4 siung bawang putih
  • 10 bh cabai merah keriting
Method Sambal Goreng Kentang

Kupas kentang, iris memanjang berbentuk batang korek api. Agar cepat kita bisa menggunakan serutan dengan aray yang cukup besar sehingga didapatkan hasil serutan sebesar batang korek api.
Rendam kentang yang sudah diiris / diserut dengan larutan kapur sirih agar kadar air didalam kentang berkurang. Rendam selama kurang lebih 15 menit, jika sudah selanjutnya tiriskan hingga air rendaman mengering/tidak menetes.

Goreng kentang dengan cara deep fry secara bartahap. Agar hasilnya garing, jangan terlalu banyak memasukkan kentang kedalam penggorengan. Apalagi jika kentang tadinya kita serut, goreng sedikit-sedikit saja agar bisa kering sempurna dan tidak menggumpal. Jika sudah maka sisihkan terlebih dahulu.
Selanjutnya kita persiapkan sambal gorengnya, tumis bumbu halus beserta dengan daun salam dan daun jeruk hingga tercium bau harum.
Tuangkan air asam jawa, gula pasir, kaldu ayam bubuk (opsional) dan garam secukupnya. Masak hingga airnya mengering dan mengeluarkan aroma harum.
Jika sambal sudah matang kecilkan api, masukkan kentang goreng dan aduk hingga bumbu tercampur rata dengan kentang gorengya.

Sambal Goreng Kentang Pedas Gurih VIDEO

Sambal dabu dabu lilang Manado

Sambal dabu dabu lilang Manado

Sambal Recipe Ingdredients

10 buah cabai merah
6 siung bawang merah
8 lembar kemangi
2 buah cabai hijau
2 buah tomat
½ sdt garam
1 sdm air jeruk nipis

Sambal Recipe Instructions :

Campur irisan bahan dengan garam dan air jeruk nipis, aduk hingga rata
Hidangkan sambal sebagai pendamping ikan panggang/bakar.

Sambal dabu dabu lilang Manado VIDEO

Sambal Cumi

Sambal Cumi (Squid Sambal)

Sambal Recipe Ingredients:

1. 2 sendok makan minyak sayur
2. 1 buah tomat merah, cincang
3. 1 lembar daun jeruk purut
4. 1 lembar daun salam
5. 250 gram cumi-cumi ukuran sedang yang sudah bersih, iris tipis
6. 250 cc santan
7. 1 sendok makan air jeruk nipis

Bumbu, haluskan:
1. 6 siung bawang merah
2. 3 siung bawang putih
3. 5 buah cabai merah
4. 1 sendok teh serai iris halus
5. ½ sendok teh terasi goreng
6. 1 sendok teh gula pasir
7. 1 sendok teh garam

Sambal Recipe Instructions:

1. Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum
2. Masukkan tomat, daun jeruk, dan daun salam. Aduk hingga mendidih.
3. Masukkan cumi, aduk hingga kaku.
4. Tuangi santan, beri air jeruk dan masak dengan programming interface kecil hingga kuah mengental.
5. Angkat, sajikan hangat.

Sambal Cumi VIDEO

Sambal Badjak

Sambal Badjak 

Sambal Recipe Ingredients:
10 Large Chillies
200 gr. Onions
3 cloves Garlic
12 Candle nuts
1 tsp. Laos powder
2 tsp. Shrimp glue
3 tsp. Palmsugar or dull earthy colored Sugar
125 ml. Tamarind fluid
2 twigs Lemon grass
200 ml. Coconut Milk
2 tbs. Oil
Salt to taste

Sambal Recipe Preparation:

 Process Chillies, Onions, Garlic and Candle nuts in food processor into a coarse glue. Add Laos, Shrimp glue and sugar. Heat Oil in wok and add the blend. Pan sear until Onion are delicate and somewhat sautéed. Add Tamarind, Lemon grass, Coconut and Salt. Stew until blend turns out to be thick and the oil floats on top. Eliminate Lemon grass. Allow Sambal to cool and afterward store in Jar. Refrigerate until required. This ought to save for 2-3 Months.

Sambal Badjak VIDEO

Sambal Ulek

Sambal Ulek 

Sambal Ulek - Also know as Sambal Oelek, is the most fundamental of sambals. Albeit numerous variaties of red stew peppers can be utilized, I would recommend you attempt and observe the more extended and milder pepper know as Lomboks.

  Sambal Goreng Recipe Ingredients:

20 red Chillies or Lomboks (approx. 6 - 9 cm. long)
2 teaspoons Salt

Sambal Goreng Recipe Preparation:

 Wash Chillies and hack. Blend in with salt and rub into a coarse glue in mortar or in blender. Put into sanitized container. This sambal is amazing by your dinner or for cooking and as a base for other sambals. Can be kept in ice chest for as long as multi month.

Sambal Ulek VIDEO

Sambal Goreng Tofu Tempe

Sambal Goreng Tofu Tempe 

Sambal Goreng Ingredients:

8 dried chilies*
8 cloves of shallot*
1 inch of galangal*
5 lemon grass*
1 cup of Tempe (little diced)**
1 cup of Tofu (little diced)**
¼ kg little shrimp**
4 new red chilies (sliced)**
10 long beans (cut)
½ cup broiled shallot
¾ cup of tamarind juice
100ml of coconut milk
Salt and sugar to taste.
**to broil until ¾ cook.

Sambal Goreng Instructions:

Mix all single asterisk* fixings and sautéed until fragrant. Add tamarind juice. Then, at that point, add long beans and mix to cook. Add coconut milk, salt and sugar. Keep on blending until bubble. At long last add all twofold asterisks** fixings and seared shallots. Mix to blend them well.

Sambal Goreng Tofu Tempe VIDEO



Sambal Goreng Ingredients :
1 kg kentang potong dadu
500 gr hati sapi potong dadu (boleh lebih banyak, makin enak)
10 biji mata Pete iris bisa lebih sesuai selera
1 ruas lengkuas memarkan
1 batang sereh memarkan
2 lbr daun jeruk
250 ml santan
Garam secukupnya
Penyedap secukupnya
Gula secukupnya

Bumbu Halus :
10 cabe merah keriting
1 buah tomat cincang
3 siung bawang putih
2 siung bawang merah besar/sjalot
1 ruas jahe cincang

Sambal Goreng Recipe Instructions :

 Goreng kentang yang sudah dipotong dadu, lalu tiriskan Panaskan minyak dalam wajan lalu tumis hati sapi sampai setengah matang kemudian ke pinggirkan wajan hatinya lalu masukkan bumbu halus dan sisa bahan masak sampai haru, kemudian campurkan dengan hari sapi yg disisihkan tadi. Masukan irisan petenya, kemudian tambahkan santannya, aduk terus jangan sampai santannya pecah. Tambahkan gula, garam dan penyedap, setelah menyusut santannya, terakhir masukan kentang goreng, aduk hingga rata. Siap untuk dihidangkan.


Sambal Goreng Udang

Sambal Goreng Udang 

Sambal Goreng Ingredients

 * 32 sm Prawns; cleaned, shelled
 * ; furthermore, deveined (800 g)
 * 4 tb Onion; cut (60 g)


 * 40 g Ginger
 * 40 g Onion
 * 40 g Garlic
 * 120 g Red bean stew glue
 * 60 ml Tomato puree
 * 10 Cm galangal cut; (or
 * ; ginger)
 * 10 Cm lemon grass
 * 4 Salam
 * 60 ml Tomato ketchup
 * 40 ml Oil
 * Salt and pepper to taste


 * 4 Green chillies; diced
 * 4 Red chillies; cut into
 * 2 Onions; cut and broiled

  Sambal Goreng Instructions

 HEAT 40 ml oil in a wok. Add the cut onion and the prawns. Saut? briefly. Add sambal sauce to the prawns and throw for five minutes or till done. Eliminate from heat. Serve decorated with saut?ed onion, diced red stew and green bean stew. To set up the sambal sauce: Heat oil in a wok. Add the sambal glue and every one of the leftover fixings. Continue to mix for 30 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Eliminate from heat. At the point when cool, store in an impermeable container in a cooler.

Sambal Goreng Udang VIDEO

Sambal Goreng Telor

Sambal Goreng Telor 

(Eggs in Red Pepper Sauce) An astonishing sambal goreng formula to attempt !

Sambal Goreng Recipe Ingredients :

 * 1 tb Chopped onion
* 1 Clove of garlic
* Spread for broiling
* 1 c Coconut milk
* 1 c Stock
* 1 Salt to taste
* 1 ts Crushed red pepper
* 1/2 ts Paprika
* 1/2 ts Laos powder if accessible
* 4 Hard bubbled eggs

  Sambal Goreng Recipe Instructions :

Saute the slashed onion and garlic in the margarine. Add different fixings (aside from the eggs) and bring to the bubble, blending incidentally. Add the eggs and keep cooking and mixing for 3 minutes. Eliminate from the hotness and split the eggs, then the sambal goreng formula is prepared to serve !!! Decent !

Sambal Goreng Telor VIDEO